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Programs and Services Guide

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The Saskatchewan Association for Safe Workplaces in Health (SASWH) is a non-prot safety association committed to work in partnership with Saskatchewan’s healthcare industry to reduce the number of workplace injuries and illnesses in the industry.ABOUT USABOUT USVISIONVISIONTo guide the health-related industry in the elimination of workplace illness and injury.MISSIONMISSION2

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3CONTENTSCONTENTSABOUT USABOUT US ......................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................22MISSIONMISSION......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................22VISIONVISION ............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................22SASWH MEMBERSHIPSASWH MEMBERSHIP ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................44EDUCATION & TRAINING PROGRAMSEDUCATION & TRAINING PROGRAMS .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................55TRAINER & INSTRUCTOR QUALIFICATIONTRAINER & INSTRUCTOR QUALIFICATION ........................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................66TRAINING DELIVERY OPTIONSTRAINING DELIVERY OPTIONS ........................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................77SAFETY TRAINING ALIGNMENT WITH SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) IMPLEMENTATIONSAFETY TRAINING ALIGNMENT WITH SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) IMPLEMENTATION ........................... ...........................8-98-9SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) BASICSSAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) BASICS .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. 1010MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID (MHFA)MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID (MHFA) .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. 1111TRANSFERRING LIFTING REPOSITIONING (TLRTRANSFERRING LIFTING REPOSITIONING (TLR®®) PROGRAM) PROGRAM©© ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 1212TRANSFERRING LIFTING REPOSITIONING (TLRTRANSFERRING LIFTING REPOSITIONING (TLR®®) PROGRAM) PROGRAM©© FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS)FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) ......... ......... 1414PROFESSIONAL ASSAULT RESPONSE TRAINING (PARTPROFESSIONAL ASSAULT RESPONSE TRAINING (PART®®) PROGRAM) PROGRAM©© ................................................................. ................................................................. 1616VIOLENCE PREVENTION & INTERVENTIONVIOLENCE PREVENTION & INTERVENTION ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................1818PROCESS FOR A VIOLENCE ASSESSMENTPROCESS FOR A VIOLENCE ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... 1919RESPIRATOR FIT TESTING (RFT)RESPIRATOR FIT TESTING (RFT) ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... 2020SAFETY FOR SUPERVISORSSAFETY FOR SUPERVISORS .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. 2222OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH COMMITTEE (OHC) LEVEL I & IIOCCUPATIONAL HEALTH COMMITTEE (OHC) LEVEL I & II .................................................................................... .................................................................................... 2424ERGONOMIC ASSESSMENTSERGONOMIC ASSESSMENTS ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 2626WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (WHMIS)WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (WHMIS) ............................................................. ............................................................. 2727TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS (TDG)TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS (TDG) ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. 2828DONNING & DOFFINGDONNING & DOFFING ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... 2929WORKPLACE ASSESSMENT VIOLENCE EDUCATION (WWORKPLACE ASSESSMENT VIOLENCE EDUCATION (W..AA..VV..EE..) PROGRAM) PROGRAM©© ........................................................ ........................................................ 3030HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR BOARD MEMBERSHEALTH AND SAFETY FOR BOARD MEMBERS ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 3131SAFE MOVING AND REPOSITIONING TECHNIQUES (SMARTSAFE MOVING AND REPOSITIONING TECHNIQUES (SMART®®) PROGRAM) PROGRAM©© .......................................................... .......................................................... 3232MEMBER SERVICES & RESOURCES MEMBER SERVICES & RESOURCES ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... 3333APPENDIX A - NON-MEMBER FEE GUIDEAPPENDIX A - NON-MEMBER FEE GUIDE........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3434APPENDIX B - STUDENT FEE GUIDEAPPENDIX B - STUDENT FEE GUIDE .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. 3636APPENDIX C - RESOURCESAPPENDIX C - RESOURCES .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 37-3837-38

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Healthcare employers that fall under the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board G22 rate code are automatically members of SASWH. Our members have access to all SASWH safety training, resources, and support at low to no cost.SASWH is committed to work in partnership with its members to assist with the following:• Implement and sustain an eective Safety Management System and determine strategies to create a culture of safety. • Determine appropriate education, training, and resources to complement an employer’s comprehensive program.• Assist employers in meeting the minimum requirements of Saskatchewan’s occupational health and safety legislation.• Injury prevention training programs.• Provide ongoing support and follow-up to help members eliminate workplace injuries. 4SASWH MEMBERSHIPSASWH MEMBERSHIP

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LICENSE AGREEMENTTo support our membership, SASWH oers a wide variety of safety training and educational programs. SASWH currently holds copyright for the PART, TLR, TLR EMS, W.A.V.E. and SMART programs. For these copyright programs, employers are required to enter into a license agreement with SASWH that sets out the terms of the program, resource use, protection of copyright, and terms pertaining to training of employees. The license agreement is to ensure the quality and integrity of our programs are maintained throughout Saskatchewan’s healthcare industry. EDUCATION & TRAININGSASWH’s training programs include theory, interactive participation, discussion, and activities to enhance learning and assist with achieving learning outcomes. Classroom time provides for adequate practice time for learners, as well as guidance and coaching for every learner’s required return demonstration. SASWH utilizes the following as its standard guidelines for programs:• Information: general information/introduction by reading/listening. • Education: primarily online courses; facilitated sessions are primarily lecture style.• Training: dened in OH&S legislation and is classroom facilitated by an approved SASWH trainer/instructor; requires active participation, practice, and return demonstration.SASWH’s education and training programs are designed for workers at every level within an organization. Programs are oered at SASWH’s Regina oce in its well-equipped training room, or at an employer’s site. Online learning programs will be an option for some programs or components of programs.5EDUCATION & TRAINING EDUCATION & TRAINING PROGRAMSPROGRAMS

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SASKATCHEWAN LEGISLATIONIn The Saskatchewan Employment Act, competent is dened as, “possessing the knowledge, experience, and training to perform a specic duty.” The word competent, as applied to our programs for the trainer, would be dened as a specic duty under the legislation. This would mean that all those who train others must have the knowledge, experience, and education to become a trainer. This reference is specic to the requirement of applied knowledge from the worker oering the training session.The trainer or instructor candidate will be required to demonstrate the competencies for the train the trainer and instructor level courses as well as the facilitation skills portions. REQUIREMENTS OF A TRAINER CANDIDATE• Eective skills and abilities to educate others, at every level within the organization.• Eective observing, listening, and clear communication skills.• Procient in teaching, coaching, and evaluating participants. • Attend the required prerequisite session and a Train the Trainer for the applicable program. • Follow the requirements to maintain approved trainer status according to the program manual.• Meet the recertication requirements to maintain approved trainer status.• Must possess applicable experience and knowledge specic to the program.REQUIREMENTS OF AN INSTRUCTOR CANDIDATE (In addition to the requirements of a Trainer Candidate)• Co-teach a minimum of three train-the-trainer sessions with a qualied instructor. SASWH will manage all exceptions.• Demonstrated prociency in all aspects of the applicable program. • Follow the requirements to maintain approved instructor status.Additional requirements specic to each program may apply. For further information regarding trainer and instructor status to assist with building internal capacity for safety training at your facility, please contact SASWH.6TRAINER & INSTRUCTOR TRAINER & INSTRUCTOR QUALIFICATIONQUALIFICATION

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TRAINING DELIVERY OPTIONSTRAINING DELIVERY OPTIONS7SASWH has developed multiple training delivery options to better meet the needs of our members. While some of our programs require in-person training, those that can accomodate a virtual learning environment have been updated to include an online component or a virtual classroom option. CLASSROOMA traditional classroom experience at our training location or at your facility. • Interaction with your instructor and peers, face-to-face.• In-person discussions and hands-on learning.• An opportunity to interact directly and share best practices with your peers from across the province.ONLINE Self-study option that allows you to learn at your own pace.• Interactive online training modules.• All required resources are provided.• Tech support available from 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday.• Content that is developed by SASWH and its training partners. VIRTUAL CLASSROOMReal-time instructor-led training, hosted on an online platform. • Virtual discussion and group activities.• Interactive learning experience in a virtual classroom. • Small class size for a more engaging experience. BLENDED Blended (split) training includes in-class instruction (traditional or virtual classroom) as well as a mandatory online component which must be completed before the in-class portion can be taken. • Train the Trainer/Tester programs are exclusively oered in a blended delivery format, as these programs include an online portion that must be fullled before the in-class instruction may commence.

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SAFETY TRAINING ALIGNMENT SAFETY TRAINING ALIGNMENT WITH SAFETY MANAGEMENT WITH SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) IMPLEMENTATIONSYSTEM (SMS) IMPLEMENTATIONSASWH, in collaboration with our members and system partners, has developed a strong and eective SMS that supports the needs of Saskatchewan’s healthcare industry. It has been proven that the use of an SMS decreases the risk of a workplace-related injury or illness.SASWH’s Workplace Safety Specialists are available to support our members with adopting and implementing Saskatchewan’s Safety Management System (SMS) by:• Assessing a member’s current state based on the SMS Standard;• Consulting with the employer regarding development and implementation of an action plan; and• Providing education, training, and support, aligned with the action plan, to enhance the employer’s comprehensive program to eliminate workplace injuries.8

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SASWH Programs and ServicesSUPPORTS PROGRESS TO MEETING SMS ELEMENTS1 2 3 4 5 6Management/LeadershipHazardIdenticationand ControlTraining/CommunicationInspectionsReporting/InvestigationEmergency ResponseSAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSMS Basics√ √ √ √ √ √Self-Evaluation Using the Standards Tool√ √ √ √ √ √OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH COMMITTEE (OHC) TRAINING AND SUPPORTOHC LI√ √ √ √ √ √Eective OHCs√ √ √ √ √ √OHC LII (Inspections & Investigations)√ √ √ √ √ √Safety for Supervisors√ √ √ √ √ √VIOLENCE INTERVENTIONOnline Toolkit√ √ √ √ √ √Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)√ √ √ √PART√ √ √ √ √W.A.V.E.√ √ √ √MOVING OBJECTS/MATERIALS AND PATIENTS/CLIENTS/RESIDENTSTLR√ √ √ √ √TLR EMS√ √ √ √ √SMART√ √ √ √ √PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT; RESPIRATOR FIT TESTING, CHEMICALS AND DANGEROUS GOODSDonning & Dong PPE√ √ √ √ √ √Respirator Fit Testing√ √ √ √ √ √WHMIS√ √ √ √ √ √TDG√ √ √ √ √9SASWH has developed specic training programs and services that support the SMS Standard. This table shows the alignment of SASWH’s programs and services to support an employer’s progress with meeting the SMS elements.

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SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) BASICS(SMS) BASICS10WHAT IS A SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM?A Safety Management System (SMS) is a tool used to proactively identify hazards for the health and safety of workers, and to put in place a process and/or policy that will control those hazards. When health and safety is actively managed, the potential for incidents decreases.WHO IS SMS BASICS FOR?This educational session is of benet to managers, supervisors, OHC members, and anyone responsible for developing, monitoring and/or assessing their SMS. Participants will become familiar with the six elements of the SMS Standards and gain a working knowledge of the principles of hazard identication and control.EVALUATING YOUR SMS USING THE SMS STANDARDS TOOLTo determine the eectiveness of health and safety improvement eorts, the employer needs to know what is going well – strengths; and know where focus is required – gaps.This support is of benet to the workers who will be developing and evaluating the SMS (e.g., OHCs, those responsible for occupational health and safety, union representation).SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) POLICY TEMPLATESIn collaboration with healthcare industry partners, SASWH developed a foundational set of policies to support SMS implementation in Saskatchewan’s healthcare organizations. The expectation is that healthcare organizations use the structure of the policies to organize their own health and safety policies around the SMS. Organizations will also use their own internal processes to adopt, approve, implement, and evaluate the policies.SASWH’s Workplace Safety Specialists are available to assist employers with accessing and utilizing policy supplements.Program DeliveryPricingMEMBERS INITIAL TRAININGSMS Basics No chargeNON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee GuidePROGRAM INITIAL TRAININGONLINE ONLYSMS Basics At your own pace

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SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) BASICS(SMS) BASICSMENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID (MHFA)MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID (MHFA)SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONA certicate will be issued by the Mental Health Commission upon successful completion of the training.APPLICATION OF MHFAEveryone can benet from Mental Health First Aid training and more than 300,000 Canadians have already been trained to date. The information learned over the two-day course can be applied in a variety of environments including, but not limited to, your personal life, the workplace, school, and community groups. MHFA is highly recommended for any workplace looking to increase their knowledge and awareness of psychological health and safety, reduce stigma associated with mental health-related concerns, and establish a more resilient and supportive work environment. WHAT IS MHFA?The MHFA Canada program aims to improve mental health literacy and provide the skills and knowledge to help people better manage potential or developing mental health problems in themselves, a family member, a friend, or a colleague.PROGRAM INITIAL TRAININGCLASSROOM ONLYMHFA 2 daysMEMBERS INITIAL TRAININGMHFA $45.00PricingProgram DeliveryNON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide11Source:

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TRANSFERRING LIFTING TRANSFERRING LIFTING REPOSITIONING (TLRREPOSITIONING (TLR®®) PROGRAM) PROGRAM©©WHAT IS TLR?Under Saskatchewan’s occupational health and safety legislation, employers are required to ensure that a worker who lifts, holds or transports loads receives appropriate training in safe methods of lifting, holding or carrying of loads. In addition, employers are required to have a written program in place where workers are required or permitted to mobilize, lift, hold, turn, position or transfer patients, residents or clients. TLR emphasizes minimal use of manual eort with the maximum use of equipment. WHO IS TLR FOR?This course is designed for anyone who may perform moving tasks associated with objects/materials and/or clients, as well as for those supervising workers performing these tasks.APPLICATION OF THE TLR PROGRAMTLR provides workers with the theory, skills, and techniques for risk assessment of self, environment, equipment, objects, and tasks, as well as general moving techniques. It also provides workers with training on eective client mobility risk assessments, transferring and repositioning of clients, and the use of mechanical lifts. TLR requires return demonstration of assessment and techniques.SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONA certicate is issued upon successful completion of classroom training.SASWH’s TLR Train the Trainer (TTT) 3-day program provides employers with the ability to implement and sustain the program utilizing sta approved as trainers to teach, mentor, and support workers.12

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PROGRAMS INITIAL TRAININGRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONCLASSROOM BLENDED CLASSROOMTLR – Object Moving Only 4 hoursOnline portion + 2 hours in class2 hoursTLR – Object Moving Train the Trainer(Prerequisite = TLR - Object Moving or TLR Client & Object Moving)N/AOnline portion + 1.5 days in class4 hoursTLR – Client & Object Moving 1 dayOnline portion + 5 hours in class4 hoursTLR – Client & Object Moving Train the Trainer(Prerequisite = TLR - Client & Object Moving)N/AOnline portion + 3 days in class1 dayMEMBERS INITIAL TRAININGRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONTLR – Object Moving Only No charge No chargeTLR – Object Moving Train the Trainer $100.00 $25.00TLR - Client & Object Moving No charge No chargeTLR - Client & Object Moving TTT $175.00 $25.00Pricing13Program DeliveryNON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide

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TRANSFERRING LIFTING TRANSFERRING LIFTING REPOSITIONING (TLRREPOSITIONING (TLR®®) PROGRAM) PROGRAM© © FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS)SERVICES (EMS)14WHAT IS TLR EMS?TLR EMS emphasizes using minimal manual eort with the maximum use of equipment available at the time, and to modify/adapt TLR EMS techniques with safety in mind. The TLR EMS program assists employers in meeting the minimum requirements of legislation. TLR EMS is one part of an employer’s comprehensive injury prevention program to eliminate or manage workplace injuries.WHO IS TLR EMS FOR?The TLR EMS specic program considers that work is primarily performed in uncontrolled environments (e.g., outside, in a private residence). This program was developed in collaboration with Saskatchewan EMS workers, for EMS workers.SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONA certicate is issued upon successful completion of classroom training.SASWH’s TLR EMS Train the Trainer (TTT) 2-day program provides employers with the ability to implement and sustain the program utilizing EMS sta approved as trainers to teach, mentor, and support workers.APPLICATION OF THE TLR EMS PROGRAMThe TLR EMS program focuses on a safe moving task - at the time, in the moment – and adapting/modifying with safety in mind. Through a comprehensive risk assessment process, identied risks are then managed/eliminated to the best of the workers ability, dependent upon the specic situation and degree of emergency. TLR EMS requires return demonstration of assessment and techniques.

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BASIC• Understand and identify why individuals are acting out/assaultive.• Understand dementia, person-centered care, validation/redirection.• Understand how your attitude may aggravate the situation.• Know if you are physically and mentally prepared to work with potentially assaultive individuals.• Know the importance of eective communication to assist with de-escalation.• Create a plan for self-control and know how you respond in a crisis situation.• Understand the importance of proper communication and documentation.INTERMEDIATE• Includes all content covered in Basic.• Principles of eective breakaway and evasion techniques.ADVANCED• Includes all content covered in Basic and Intermediate. • Principles of eective manual restraint techniques.DEMENTIA ENHANCEMENT (INCLUDED AS PART OF EACH LEVEL)• Understanding dementia - high-level overview. • Identication of potentially violent situations (understanding triggers). • Safe work practices to minimize or eliminate risk (approach, documentation/care plan, own self-control plan). • Appropriate response (de-escalation, person-centered care, validation, skills training).PROFESSIONAL ASSAULT PROFESSIONAL ASSAULT RESPONSE TRAINING (PARTRESPONSE TRAINING (PART®®) ) PROGRAMPROGRAM© © APPLICATION OF THE PART PROGRAMWhen PART principles are applied, workers are empowered to assess situations and make safe choices. Workers learn how to safeguard themselves from the risks that may be present in situations at, or away from, the workplace. PART is not a self-defence program.PART is oered in various levels - Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Understanding the level of risk a worker may be exposed to will assist in selecting the appropriate level of PART training:WHAT IS PART?PART training provides workers with the understanding of, and ability to assess, potentially violent situations and a means to manage, reduce or eliminate risks. PART interventions (e.g., verbal crisis intervention, breakaway, evasion, manual restraint techniques) can be used when the primary and back up treatment/care plans fail, and workers are faced with an immediate threat of injury.16

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SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONA certicate is issued upon successful completion of a classroom training program.SASWH’s PART Train the Trainer (TTT) 3-day program provides employers with the ability to implement and sustain the program by utilizing sta approved as trainers to teach, mentor, and support workers. Required prerequisite is completion of PART Intermediate or Advanced.17PROGRAMS INITIAL TRAININGRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONCLASSROOM BLENDED CLASSROOMPART Basic (Theory Only) 1 dayOnline portion + 3 hours in class4 hoursPART – Intermediate (Theory + Evasion/Deection Techniques)1.5 daysOnline portion + 5 hours in class6 hoursPART – Advanced (Theory + Evasion/Deection Techniques + Manual Restraint)2 daysOnline portion + 1 day in class1 dayPART – Train the Trainer (Prerequisite = PART Intermediate or Advanced)N/AOnline portion + 3 days in class1 dayPricingProgram DeliveryMEMBERS INITIAL TRAININGRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONPART Basic (Theory Only) No charge No chargePART - Intermediate No charge No chargePART – Advanced No charge No chargePART – Train the Trainer $175.00 $25.00NON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide

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SASKATCHEWAN’S LEGISLATIONSaskatchewan’s occupational health and safety legislation requires employers to provide a training program that includes:• The means to recognize potentially violent situations;• Procedures, practices, arrangements, and controls to minimize or eliminate the risk of violence to workers;• Appropriate responses of workers to incidents of violence; and• How to obtain assistance as well as procedures for reporting violent incidents.VIOLENCE PREVENTION & VIOLENCE PREVENTION & INTERVENTIONINTERVENTION18Framework: 5 steps to assist you in building a meaningful, cohesive, and multifaceted approach for workplace violence prevention that drives results and sustainability:1. Secure leadership commitment2. Assess program needs3. Develop program components4. Implement program communication, marketing, and education5. Evaluate the programVIOLENCE PREVENTION ONLINE TOOL KITSASWH oers three online risk assessment tools:• Workplace Violence Risk Assessment - Acute Care• Workplace Violence Risk Assessment - Long-Term Care• Assessing Risk in the CommunityAPPLICATION OF A VIOLENCE PREVENTION & INTERVENTION PROGRAMA fully implemented violence prevention program can enhance employee and patient safety, improve the quality of patient care, and promote constructive labour-management relations. SASWH’s violence intervention online tools, along with training programs oered by SASWH, complement an employer’s comprehensive injury prevention program to manage or eliminate workplace injuries.SASWH’s Workplace Safety Specialists oer education and training for the online tools that assist with assessing risks due to violence and acts of aggression. The aim is to reduce healthcare’s injury rates through a targeted ve-step program to build a stronger culture of safety, and to promote the enhancement of existing or adoption of eective violence prevention initiatives. Implementing the ve steps will identify high risk areas and look at meaningful ways to eliminate or reduce the threats and prevent injuries caused by violence and acts of aggression.

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RESPIRATOR FIT TESTING (RFT)RESPIRATOR FIT TESTING (RFT)SASWH’S WORKPLACE SAFETY SPECIALISTS ARE TRAINED AND COMPETENT IN RESPIRATOR FIT TESTING:• Qualitative (QLFT) - use of a solution (e.g., Bitrex - a substance with a bitter taste) to detect gaps in the t of a respirator.• Quantitative (QNFT) - use of equipment (e.g., PortaCount, AccuFit) to detect gaps in the t of a respirator.RESPIRATOR FIT TESTING – TRAIN THE TESTERTo assist employers with implementing and sustaining the t testing process, SASWH oers a Respirator Fit Testing - Train the Tester (TTT) program that aligns directly with the current CAN/CSA Standard for Use and Care of Respirators.This course applies principles of t testing to the equipment required to conduct the test. Fit testers completing SASWH’s course will require specic training on equipment for quantitative t testing used by their employer (function, testing, maintenance, etc.).SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONFollowing successful completion of SASWH’s RFT TTT program, candidates will be approved to perform t testing (QLFT and QNFT). Successful completion requires active involvement in discussion, as well as practice and return demonstration of the t testing process.A certicate is issued upon successful completion of classroom training.20WHAT IS RESPIRATOR FIT TESTING?A respirator t test conrms that a respirator protective device properly ts the employee who requires a respirator due to the nature of their work. Employers are legislated to ensure workers are t tested and provided with the appropriate respirator. When the respirator is the right size, shape, and tted to the worker, the worker will be better protected.

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WHAT IS RESPIRATOR FIT TESTING?A respirator t test conrms that a respirator protective device properly ts the employee who requires a respirator due to the nature of their work. Employers are legislated to ensure workers are t tested and provided with the appropriate respirator. When the respirator is the right size, shape, and tted to the worker, the worker will be better protected.Program Delivery21PROGRAMS INITIAL TRAINING/FITTINGRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONCLASSROOM BLENDED CLASSROOM BLENDEDRespirator Fit Testing (appointment required)30 min N/A 30 min N/ARespirator Fit Testing (RFT) TTT N/AOnline portion + 1 day in class1 day in class N/AMEMBERSINITIAL TRAINING/FITTINGRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONRespirator Fit TestingNo charge if you provide your own respiratorsNo charge if you provide your own respiratorsRespirator Fit Testing - respirators supplied by SASWH$25.00 $25.00Respirator Fit Testing (RFT) TTT $50.00 $25.00PricingNON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide

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SAFETY FOR SUPERVISORSSAFETY FOR SUPERVISORS22WHAT IS SAFETY FOR SUPERVISORS?This course includes an overview of Saskatchewan’s occupational health and safety legislation, the roles and principles of a Workplace Responsibility System (WRS), supervisors’ legal duties, the components of an eective Safety Management System, and eective supervision. Lecture, theory, group work, case studies, and other examples are included to illustrate and reinforce the concepts.LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTSaskatchewan’s occupational health and safety legislation requires employers to appoint competent supervisors and ensure they are adequately trained to carry out their legal responsibilities. SASWH’s Safety for Supervisors course will assist with that requirement by providing supervisors with the information they need to create and promote a safe work environment, prevent workplace injuries and illnesses, and develop a safety culture in the workplace.In the legislation, a supervisor is dened as “a person who is authorized by an employer to oversee or direct the work of workers.”SASWH’s Safety for Supervisors Train the Trainer (TTT) course provides employers with the ability to implement and sustain the program utilizing sta approved as trainers to teach, mentor, and support other healthcare supervisors.TRAINER CANDIDATE PREREQUISITES:• Must have supervisory experience or currently be in a supervisory role.• Must meet the legislative requirements to be a supervisor.• Completion of SASWH’s Safety for Supervisors course to assist with obtaining suitable level of knowledge, skills or abilities in the course subject matter.• Employed by a SASWH member agency with job duties that provide time for preparation and facilitation of classroom sessions, and to support and follow-up with those they train.• Competent in delivery techniques and methods appropriate to adult learning acquired through a combination of training, education, and/or experience.• Eective observation, listening and clear communication skills.• The ability to assist online learners with course content questions when the blended classroom approach is implemented.• The ability to build on their own competency in teaching, coaching, and evaluating their participants.SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONA certicate is issued upon successful completion of classroom training.

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23PROGRAMS TRAININGCLASSROOM BLENDEDSafety for Supervisors 1 dayOnline portion + 4 hours in classSafety for Supervisors Train the Trainer (Prerequisite = Safety for Supervisors)Please contact SASWH for details N/AProgram DeliveryPricingMEMBERS TRAININGSafety for Supervisors No chargeSafety for Supervisors Train the Trainer $50.00NON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide

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OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH COMMITTEE (OHC) LEVEL I & II COMMITTEE (OHC) LEVEL I & II 24WHAT IS OHC LEVEL I & II?Saskatchewan’s occupational health and safety legislation sets out the requirement for employers to set up a committee and ensure it is working eectively. Training assists OHC members in understanding how their duties and responsibilities directly impact implementing, supporting, and sustaining a safe workplace for everyone.WHO IS OHC LEVEL I & II TRAINING FOR?OHC Level I & II training is for OHC members and OH&S representatives. SASWH’s training is tailored to Saskatchewan’s healthcare industry, and the content aligns directly with OHC training by WorkSafe Saskatchewan.OHC Level I & II training will provide managers, supervisors, OHC members, OH&S representatives, and others involved in inspections with a proper foundation and understanding of inspections. It oers tools needed to complete an eective inspection (e.g., through physical and documentation review as well as talking to the workers doing the task) and to fully understand the complete inspection process. OHC LEVEL I TRAININGLevel I training provides information on:• The legislated requirements and duties of an OHC; • Information on conducting eective meetings; • OHCs role in a Workplace Responsibility System; • The identication, assessment, and control of hazards; and • Creating recommendations for corrective actions.SASWH’s OHC Level I training introduces eective inspections and investigations to support a reduction of refusals to work.OHC LEVEL II TRAININGLevel II training focuses on inspections and investigations.Incident Reporting & Investigation – Getting to the Root CauseThe prime objective of incident investigation is prevention – nding the root cause(s) and taking steps to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. It is essential to ensure those who are responsible for investigating incidents are properly trained.This education will benet managers, supervisors, OHC members, and representatives with a proper foundation and understanding of root cause incident investigation. Basic information about root cause investigations including the role of workplace parties, workplace investigation program essentials, and the steps involved in conducting the investigation is also included.

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PROGRAMS INITIAL TRAININGCLASSROOMOHC Level I 1 dayOHC Level II - Inspections, Incident Reporting, RCA 1 dayEective OHCs in HealthcarePlease contact SASWH for additional informationMEMBERS INITIAL TRAININGOHC Level I No chargeOHC Level II - Inspections, Incident Reporting, RCA No chargeEective OHCs in Healthcare No chargePricingProgram DeliveryNON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee GuideEFFECTIVE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEESOccupational Health Committees (OHCs) are required in the workplace under current Saskatchewan occupational health and safety legislation which sets out the structure for the workplace responsibility system (IRS). This is the primary mechanism for the employer and employees to work together and resolve health and safety concerns.SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONA certicate is issued upon successful completion of classroom training. Inspection TrainingThe employer’s due diligence is to ensure the workplace is inspected to the point of elimination or control of a hazard. Inspections are the most eective tool for preventing illness and injury. Injuries are preventable and risk of injury can be identied, then managed and eliminated, through a comprehensive workplace inspection.This course teaches how to inspect eectively and standards that govern health and safety, such as occupational health and safety legislation, codes of practice, standards, infection control, and the SASWH Safety Management System - Elements 3 and 4.EFFECTIVE OHCS IN HEALTHCARE TRAININGSASWH oers OHC Level I and Level II training to assist OHC members in applying the classroom theory to the workplace. The Eective OHCs in Health Care program consists of nine components to assist OHCs to become more eective as health and safety becomes standard daily work. Committee members will learn their responsibilities, help the employer identify and assess workplace hazards as well as develop and monitor policies, programs and plans. This will achieve the goal of having a safe work environment. 25

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ERGONOMIC ASSESSMENTSERGONOMIC ASSESSMENTSWHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF AN ERGONOMIC ASSESSMENT? The purpose of an oce/industrial ergonomic assessment is to identify risk factors or ergonomic hazards and to recommend solutions to reduce or eliminate the risk of identied hazards.Problem: Identify the problem and the reason for the assessment.Purpose: An assessment of the oce/work area and the varying components to create preventative measures for safer work processes for the employee.Scope: An assessment of the employee’s individual oce/work area and the varying components of job tasks, environment, work structure, and workstation, and the interdependent connection with each other.Approach: The workstation assessment will include interview/discussion, taking measurements, pictures, completion of assessment forms and assessment of equipment, tools, and devices.Desired Outcome of the Assessment: Provide the worker with solutions that reduce the risk of injury by eliminating the hazard or reducing the risk associated with the hazard. Once the solutions are in place for a time, the Certied Ergonomic Specialists (CES) will check in with the worker to conrm that the solutions are working and to address any questions or concerns they might have.26Program DeliveryPROGRAMS ASSESSMENTIN-PERSONBasic Ergonomic Assessment (with report) 1+ hour(s)Comprehensive Ergonomic Assessment (with report) 2+ hours PricingMEMBERS ASSESSMENTErgonomic Assessment - Basic/Comprehensive No chargeNON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide

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WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION MATERIALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (WHMIS)SYSTEM (WHMIS)WHAT IS WHMIS?WHMIS education is designed to ensure learners meet the following objectives:• Recognize pictograms and understand the hazards that they represent;• Identify the hazards represented by each hazard class;• Understand supplier labels; • Understand safety data sheets (SDSs); and • Proactive measures to protect themselves.WHMIS TRAIN THE EDUCATORSASWH’s WHMIS Train the Educator (TTE) half-day program provides employers with the ability to implement and sustain the program utilizing sta approved as WHMIS educators to teach, mentor, and support workers.SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONA nal exam is part of this training course. A grade of 80% or higher is required to successfully complete this training. A certicate will be issued once the course is completed. PROGRAMS INITIAL TRAININGCLASSROOM ONLINEWHMIS N/A Work at your own paceWHMIS Train the Educator(Prerequisite = WHMIS)4 hours N/AProgram DeliveryPricingMEMBERS TRAININGWHMIS No chargeWHMIS Train the Educator $50.0027NON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide

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TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS (TDG) GOODS (TDG) - INCLUDING INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCES- INCLUDING INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCESWHAT IS TDG?The Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) program promotes safety standards and regulations, provides risk-based oversight, and gives expert advice on dangerous goods to promote public safety in the transportation of dangerous goods by all modes of transport regulated by Transport Canada. It will familiarize shippers and receivers with the information and training required under the TDG Regulations pertaining to training, classication, emergency response assistance plans, packaging, documentation, labelling, accidental release, and imminent accidental release reporting requirements and air shipments.SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONParticipants will be required to complete an in-class quiz. A certicate will be issued upon successful completion of the training.SASWH’s TDG Train the Trainer (TTT) 1.5-day program provides employers with the ability to implement and sustain the program by utilizing sta approved as trainers to teach, mentor and support workers.The Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Regulations denes an infectious substance as a microorganism that is known or reasonably believed to cause disease in humans or animals. The infectious substance might be contained in blood, tissue, organs, body uids or cultures.Program DeliveryMEMBERS INITIAL TRAININGRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONTDG No charge N/ATDG Train the Trainer $125.00 No chargePricingPROGRAMS INITIAL TRAININGRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONCLASSROOM CLASSROOMTDG* 6 hours N/ATDG Train the Trainer(Prerequisite = TDG)1.5 days 1 day28NON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide*TDG regulations require recertication every three years for ground and every two years for air.

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DONNING & DOFFINGDONNING & DOFFINGWHAT IS DONNING & DOFFING TTT?SASWH oers a half day Donning & Dong Train the Trainer program. Trainer candidates successfully completing SASWH’s Donning & Dong TTT would be approved to train workers in the appropriate steps to don and do basic PPE (gloves, gown, medical grade mask/respirator, goggles/face shield) including required hand hygiene. This approach will assist employers with meeting OH&S legislation and building internal capacity within their respective home.SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONA certicate will be issued upon successful completion of classroom training. SASWH approved trainers will have access to supports and resources, and will be a value-added resource to home operators to assist with implementing and sustaining a consistent approach to appropriate donning, dong, and hand hygiene training. Each trainer candidate attending a TTT will receive a tote with PPE supplies for use during their worker training.Program DeliveryMEMBERS INITIAL TRAININGDonning & Dong Train the Trainer $95.00PricingPROGRAMS INITIAL TRAINING RE-CERTIFICATIONCLASSROOM CLASSROOMDonning & Dong Train the Trainer 4 hoursContact SASWH for a re-evaluation29NON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide

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WORKPLACE ASSESSMENT WORKPLACE ASSESSMENT VIOLENCE EDUCATION (W.A.V.E.) VIOLENCE EDUCATION (W.A.V.E.) PROGRAMPROGRAM© © WHAT IS W.A.V.E.?W.A.V.E. focuses on appropriate communication, awareness of surroundings, and the safest “zone” to approach an individual to perform a task. This program assists workers with understanding how to protect themselves in an adverse situation, keeping respect and professionalism at the forefront. It may be of value to all workers as an introduction to violence prevention. W.A.V.E. focuses on Steps to Safety that are reinforced in the classroom setting through role-play and hands-on activities.SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONFor W.A.V.E. 101, a certicate of completion will automatically be issued when you successfully complete the online education. For W.A.V.E. 303, a certicate will be given to you at the end of the in-person training. SASWH’s W.A.V.E. Train the Trainer (TTT) 1-day program provides employers with the ability to implement and sustain the program, utilizing sta approved as trainers to teach, mentor, and support workers.30PROGRAMS INITIAL TRAININGCLASSROOM ONLINEW.A.V.E. 101 N/A At your own paceW.A.V.E. 303 (includes WAVE 101) 4 hours N/AW.A.V.E. Train the Trainer (Specialist) (Prerequisite = W.A.V.E. 101 and 303)1 day N/AW.A.V.E. Train the Trainer (Senior Specialist) (Prerequisite = W.A.V.E. Train the Trainer (Specialist))1 day N/AMEMBERS INITIAL TRAININGW.A.V.E. 101 or 303 No chargeW.A.V.E. Train the Trainer $50Program DeliveryPricingNON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide

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HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR BOARD MEMBERSBOARD MEMBERS31PROGRAMS INITIAL TRAININGONLINE ONLYHealth and Safety for Board Members At your own paceProgram DeliveryPricingMEMBERS INITIAL TRAININGHealth and Safety for Board Members $50.00WHAT IS HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR BOARD MEMBERS?SASWH has secured an industry standard Health and Safety for Board Members online learning course developed by the Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA). SASWH acknowledges the partnership with PSHSA to achieve this eciency for Saskatchewan’s healthcare industry.WORKPLACE APPLICATION The intent of this online learning is to provide board members with information on occupational health and safety as it pertains to the governance aspect of being a board member. The course holds a focus on accountability and the shared responsibility for safety in the workplace. The interest to create safe workplaces and protect the public with quality safe care is a blended message of this online education.• Health and safety as a business risk• Workplace responsibility system• Legislated roles and responsibilities• Performing due diligence• Health and safety case studies• Supporting workers in SaskatchewanLEARNING OBJECTIVESNON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide

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SAFE MOVING AND SAFE MOVING AND REPOSITIONING TECHNIQUES REPOSITIONING TECHNIQUES (SMART(SMART®®) PROGRAM) PROGRAM©© WHAT IS SMART?SMART emphasizes the minimal use of manual eort with the maximum use of equipment. This course is designed for anyone who may perform moving tasks associated with objects/materials, as well as for those supervising workers performing these tasks.APPLICATION OF THE SMART PROGRAMThe SMART program aligns directly with the TLR Object Moving course. SMART may be implemented in areas where there are no clients involved in the day-to-day work. SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONA certicate is issued upon successful completion of classroom training.SASWH’s SMART Train the Trainer (TTT) 2-day program provides employers with the ability to implement and sustain the program utilizing sta approved as trainers to teach, mentor, and support workers.32PROGRAMS INITIAL TRAININGRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONCLASSROOM BLENDED CLASSROOM BLENDEDSMART 4 hoursOnline portion + 2 hours in class2 hoursOnline portion + 1.5 hours in classSMART Train the Trainer(Prerequisite = SMART)N/AOnline portion + 2 days in class1 day N/AMEMBERS INITIAL TRAININGRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONSMART No charge No chargeSMART Train the Trainer $100.00 $25.00Program DeliveryPricingNON-MEMBERS: See Appendix A - Non-Member Fee Guide

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MEMBER SERVICES & RESOURCES MEMBER SERVICES & RESOURCES SASWH Workplace Safety Specialists are qualied occupational health and safety professionals that are available to assist G22 membership with a variety of programs and services. SASWH oers a variety of resources that are available on our website*. www.saswh.ca33*A sample of these resources can be found in Appendix C

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APPENDIX A - NON-MEMBER FEE GUIDEAPPENDIX A - NON-MEMBER FEE GUIDEPROGRAM FEE PER PARTICIPANTRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONErgonomic Assessment - Standard $200.00N/AErgonomic Assessment - Comprehensive$250.00N/AHealth and Safety for Board Members$80.00N/AMental Health First Aid$195.00N/AOHC Level I - Max 10 Participants$305.00N/AOHC Level II - Max 10 Participants$305.00N/APART – Basic$305.00$150.00• 2-4 Participants$255.00$115.00• 5-12 Participants$225.00$100.00PART – Intermediate$445.00$300.00• 2-4 Participants$395.00$250.00• 5-8 Participants$350.00$220.00PART - Advanced$595.00$310.00• 2-4 Participants$490.00$260.00• 5-8 Participants$430.00$230.00PART Train the Trainer$750.00$295.00• 2-4 Participants$650.00$245.00• 5-6 Participants$550.00$215.00Respirator Fit Testing$80.00N/ARespirator Fit Testing Train the Trainer$325.00$150.00• 2-4 Participants$305.00$115.00• 5-8 Participants$295.00$100.00Safety for Supervisors $410.00N/ASMART$225.00$110.00• 2-4 Participants$195.00$95.00• 5-6 Participants$150.00$75.0034*Please note that all courses are GST and PST applicable. If you are exempt from either tax, please notify us when booking your training.

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PROGRAMFEE PER PARTICIPANTRE-CERTIFICATION/RE-EVALUATIONSMART TTT $375.00 $225.00• 2-4 Participants $325.00 $195.00• 5-6 Participants $275.00 $150.00SMS Basics - Online Only $150.00 N/ATLR – Object Moving$225.00$110.00• 2-4 Participants$195.00$95.00• 5-6 Participants$150.00$75.00TLR – Client & Object Moving$295.00$145.00• 2-4 Participants$245.00$110.00• 5-6 Participants$215.00$95.00TLR - EMS$295.00$145.00• 2-4 Participants$245.00$110.00• 5-6 Participants$215.00$95.00TLR - Object Moving Train the Trainer$375.00$225.00• 2-4 Participants$325.00$195.00• 5-6 Participants$275.00$150.00TLR – Client & Object Moving Train the Trainer$750.00$295.00• 2-4 Participants$650.00$245.00• 5-6 Participants$550.00$215.00TLR - EMS Train the Trainer$750.00$295.00• 2-4 Participants$650.00$245.00• 5-6 Participants$550.00$215.00TDG$225.00N/A• 2-4 Participants$195.00N/A• 5-12 Participants$150.00N/AW.A.V.E. 303$225.00N/A• 2-4 Participants$195.00N/A• 5-6 Participants$150.00N/A• 7-12 Participants$125.00N/AWHMIS$25.00N/A*Please note that all courses are GST and PST applicable. If you are exempt from either tax, please notify us when booking your training. 35

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PROGRAM INITIAL TRAINING RE-EVALUATIONFEE PER STUDENT FEE PER STUDENTMental Health First Aid (MHFA) $45.00 N/ARespirator Fit Testing $50.00 N/ASMART $50.00 $25.00TLR – Client & Object Moving $75.00 $30.00TLR – Object Moving $50.00 $25.00TLR – EMS $75.00 $30.00PART – Basic $85.00 $40.00PART – Intermediate $85.00 $40.00PART - Advanced $85.00 $40.00TDG $50.00 N/AWe are proud to oer discounted training fees for those enrolled in a recognized post-secondary program within the healthcare industry. If you require one of the following courses for your program, please reach out to us for additional information.If you are the training provider at a post-secondary institute and you are interested in taking a Train the Trainer program for TLR, PART or Respirator Fit Testing, please reach out for additional information. Discounted fees may be available. APPENDIX B - STUDENT FEE GUIDEAPPENDIX B - STUDENT FEE GUIDE36*Please note that all courses are GST and PST applicable. If you are exempt from either tax, please notify us when booking your training.

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Have a question or need additional information on one of our programs?39

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Programs and Services Guide - v1.0